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How To Improve Your BGMI Gaming Skills : Tips From The Pros

How To Improve Your BGMI Skills: 10 Pro Tips From The Pros


First, it is important to get control of the many touch buttons available in BGMI. Speed ​​is important in the game, which means one needs to quickly switch between the buttons. Try to click and stay as you go. This will familiarize you with your index finger with key movements like squeezing and walking.

How to get better at BGMI

Once you've mastered the basics of this game, then you can learn how to improve your game performance. Play with others if you can. Ask them for tips on how to improve your performance. Do regular playthroughs to get used to the game mechanics. How to play as a single player If you are looking to play the game in single-player mode, then you need to take some tips from the newbies. How to make your way through the game can be quite challenging for new players. To make matters worse, the visuals of the game are very poor, especially when there are a lot of objects in the background. However, if you manage to stay out of trouble, then you will find the game quite fun to play. You need to make sure that you are fast, not in a big hurry and ready to fight.


Control the buttons

Different buttons are useful for different tasks. Here are the main button sets: Fight – This button is associated with aiming down sights. The combination of pressing this button and aiming will be your key to winning. On most occasions, you will land the first or the second shot. Fire – This button is used to close, fire, reload, switch weapons, swap kill cam, and so on. Kill cam – Pressing this button will trigger the kill cam. This will show all your kills, even if the cam doesn't show anything. Switch kill cam – Switching to a camera is an important function. In most situations, you will die to an enemy if you don't switch. So, a switch kill cam will make sure you will know when you have been killed in real time.


Learn to switch between actions quickly

One of the hardest things to do in BGMI is to choose a suitable action. Switching between multiple attacks can be frustrating for many, so you need to learn to make the right choice. This can be tricky because you have no idea what the enemy is up to. You can either wait and react to the enemy’s movements, which takes time, or you can quickly cycle between different attacks. For example, you can now press-and-hold Left trigger and perform a melee attack. You can then press the same button again and perform an armed attack. To switch quickly from both attacks, press and hold a button for one second. Shoot efficiently Many games rely on the player being accurate with the first shot. However, in BGMI, it is more important to hit the target.


Practice on the move

In the game, sprinting is a must for safety. When you enter an area of low visibility, you need to quickly sprint to pick up a kill without giving a second thought to the danger. So if you're on a desert map, look for places where the wind blows sand in your face, just as you would during sprinting, thus slowing your run. This will help you to stay in the game and avoid getting killed. Other than sprinting, other options for increasing your movement speed include driving vehicles. However, this option will add risk because if you drive into an enemy team or are spotted by them, they may chase you and kill you. If you want to minimise your risk, make sure you're not running when you drive a vehicle and ensure that you're at least three feet away from it when you are driving.



Now that you know how to improve your BGMI game, find a BGMI squad to play with. If you think your hero is an underdog and want to prove them wrong, use this strategy to improve your gameplay. If you're having trouble forming a team, try creating a series of online sessions with people you know, with the ultimate goal of forming a squad. Good luck!

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