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Is Telegram Becoming the Second Dark Web Because of the Activities That Were Unveiled

Is Telegram Becoming the Second Dark Web Because of the Activities That Were Unveiled

Telegram has been the most popular messaging app  It has also been a favorite for political activists and journalists. But now, Telegram’s popularity is declining because of the activities that were unveiled.

Hello friend, you must know that some time ago when WhatsApp had made some new rules of its privacy policy, many WhatsApp users left WhatsApp and started doing it to Signal and Telegram, due to which Telegram and Signal App A lot of boost in ratings and downloads and it became a favorite of many people, people started believing signal and telegram whatsapp to be safe but according to a report it has been found that in reality telegram is not as secure as it seems, there are many hackers on telegram Not only do people send and receive data, but people also hire black hat hackers on telegram feet, nowadays a lot of illegal activities are happening on Telegram, after listening to which your senses may fly away, let me tell you which Telegram People think of it as safe and they are more safe than it looks from outside. Black world is running inside Telegram. Hackers on Telegram, Pirate Movies, Web series, Hacked Games, Hacked Data, are providing all this for free to the users. Illegal who Because of this, Telegram has also been called the Next Dark Web, let me tell you that even the darkest world we used to see on the Dark Web earlier, we get it on Telegram, due to which even Telegram cannot do anything.


Is Telegram Becoming the Second Dark Web Because of the Activities That Were Unveiled

The hackers of the dark web are now performing more on Telegram than the dark web, which is also one of the reasons that the dark web is not accessible to the common human, while there are millions of users on Telegram who are still not aware of the dark web and etc. Because the hackers of the dark web also get many users from here, which these hackers easily take in their bluff, on Telegram, these hackers share any new movie by creating a channel for free, due to which people share their channel. Join and hackers get millions of users, not only this, every thing is being sold on telegram that was being sold on the dark web because there is a lot of users on telegram, telegram has many secrets There are also hacking groups which perform a lot of illegal activities and steal the data of normal user and sell them for free or else, which has become a big stumbling block regarding the privacy of the people and these hackers Can't even track their IP address changes every seconds.

Fake investors are doing a lot of fraud with people on Telegram, they block users by taking their money by luring them to double their money.

In the name of cryptocurrency, Dogecoin on Telegram, even very big fraudsters are doing fraud with the logo, Telegram will soon have to fix these activities running in its app, as well as some measures must be taken to make fraud users. If you don't have to leave, then the day is not far when Telegram will become a platform for illegal activities like dark web.

Telegram should fix this break feature soon.

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